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Miri Club VIP Fitness is the diamond of the century. The most high end and luxurious gym in the north America. We are a team here. A club of a hand picked selection of VIPs in TEAM MIRI work together towards a healthier lifestyle and a desirable body. Taking care of yourself inside and out is limitless and here at Miri Club we give you the motivation to be unstoppable. Join our team today to experience real change towards elegance.

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Personal Trainer1
Personal Trainer1

In this package you have access to the gym + access to...

Membership + Plans
Membership + Plans

In this package you only have access to the gym in limi...


In this package you only have access to the gym in limi...

Group Fitness Classes

Energize and Challenge Yourself with a Variety of Classes Join our energetic group fitness classes led by experienced instructors.

Personal Training

Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Expert Guidance Our certified personal trainers provide one-on-one coaching

Test Update

Empower Yourself with Knowledge and Self-Care Techniques Participate in our wellness workshops designed to educate and inspire.

Group Fitness Classes

Energize and Challenge Yourself with a Variety of Classes Join our energetic group fitness classes led by experienced instructors.

Personal Training

Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Expert Guidance Our certified personal trainers provide one-on-one coaching

Test Update

Empower Yourself with Knowledge and Self-Care Techniques Participate in our wellness workshops designed to educate and inspire.

Group Fitness Classes

Energize and Challenge Yourself with a Variety of Classes Join our energetic group fitness classes led by experienced instructors.

Personal Training

Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Expert Guidance Our certified personal trainers provide one-on-one coaching

Test Update

Empower Yourself with Knowledge and Self-Care Techniques Participate in our wellness workshops designed to educate and inspire.


Please call in advance to book an appointment for club registration . No walk ins accepted.

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Welcome to TeamMiri Gym, where we believe that a healthy body and mind are the foundation for success. At TeamMiri Gym, we are dedicated to providing a supportive and empowering environment for individuals to achieve their fitness goals. Our gym is more than just a place to exercise; it's a community that encourages teamwork, personal growth, and overall well-being.

© 2024 MiriClub. All rights reserved.